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Road Rage Call Leads to Drunk Driving Charges in Tennessee

When police respond to a road rage call and believe intoxication is the part of the scenario, charges may be filed against one or more participants as a result. One incident in Tennessee recently made news as a woman now faces drunk driving charges after a road rage call. The incident also involved allegations of property destruction.

The woman and a male companion were both arrested after the incident. Police received a phone call about a road rage situation after one car allegedly tried to run another car off the road. One driver entered a Walmart parking lot, and the other driver followed. A man in the second car was reported to have gotten out and allegedly attempted to get into the other vehicle. He is also accused of throwing pumpkins through the passenger window and of punching someone in that car.

The woman drove away after the man got back in the vehicle, though they were later found by police. The 26-year-old driver apparently failed a field sobriety test. She is charged with driving under the influence and felony reckless endangerment. The man is charged with vandalism, burglary of motor vehicle and shoplifting. Both have court dates to face the charges against them.

When tempers flare and arguments ensue amid claims of road rage, it may be difficult for police to decipher exactly what occurred and if criminal charges are warranted. A field sobriety test given under duress or due in part to extenuating circumstances may yield convoluted results. Any claimed irregularities may form the basis for challenging drunk driving charges in a Tennessee courtroom. While both people were arrested, each individual must focus on individual charges. Prosecutors have the duty to prove the allegations against each by evidence that complies with the exacting standards of the criminal justice system.  

Source:, "Police: Drunk road rage suspect used pumpkins as weapons", Nate Morabito, Oct. 26, 2015
