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Man Faces Vehicular Homicide Charges After Tennessee Accident

One man is facing a list of serious criminal charges after an accident. The accident occurred as one vehicle hit a motorcycle while turning, taking the life of the 21-year-old motorcyclist. The deadly crash on the Tennessee roadway resulted in vehicular homicide charges for the vehicle driver.

The 38-year-old behind the wheel of the vehicle was headed north when he made a left-hand turn. This led to the collision with the motorcycle. Then, the 38-year-old driver left the scene. At some point, police found the driver, but no details as to where they found him were given.

According to police, the man smelled of alcohol and had slurred speech. He was charged with driving under the influence, reckless driving and having no registration or insurance. He was also charged with leaving the scene of the accident, all in addition to the vehicular homicide charge.

The charges faced by the man can all carry very serious consequences, particularly the vehicular homicide charge. In Tennessee, this can result in jail time, loss of a driver's license and other consequences that can impact a person's life. Vehicular homicide charges can be complex and hinge on the exact nature of an accident and the results of any investigation related to the accident. A skilled attorney with experience in vehicular homicide cases may be able to ascertain what elements of an accident and what purported evidence may play a role in how a case moves forward and the possible consequences that may be on the table.

Source:, "Man charged with DUI and numerous other charges for crash that killed motorcyclist", George Brown, April 18, 2016