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Drug and DUI Charges Filed in Aftermath of Hit-And-Run

Recently, a driver decided to chase down another vehicle. After coming to a stop, the other driver contacted police and waited for them to arrive. By the time police left the scene, the driver of that vehicle was under arrest. The Tennessee man is now facing drug and DUI charges.

Supposedly, the accused man drifted into the oncoming lane of travel and struck the vehicle of the driver who ended up following him. The alleged victim then claimed that the vehicle failed to stop, which is why he chased the vehicle to the location where police were dispatched. Upon arrival, officers administered field sobriety tests, which they claim the Tennessee man failed. Furthermore, officers claim that the allegedly impaired man possessed illegal narcotics, a large amount of prescription drugs and drug paraphernalia.

Supposedly, the man admitted to having taken illegal drugs earlier in the day. He also allegedly admitted that he knew he had hit something and left the scene. He now faces a litany of charges, including driving under the influence, possession of drugs for resale and leaving the scene of an accident, among others.

The penalties associated with the drug and DUI charges alone can be severe. Despite the fact that he is presumed innocent of the charges against him, it would be in his best interest to consult criminal defense counsel to ensure that his rights were protected throughout the process. Part of that process will be to determine the circumstances under which his alleged confessions were made. It may also be necessary to examine the veracity of the other driver's statements. 

Source:, "Bond set at $64,000 for alleged hit-and-run driver facing DUI and felony drug charges", Erik Avanier, Aug. 11, 2016
