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Signs of Excessive Alcohol Consumption

The reason state government takes driving under the influence (DUI) so seriously is because alcohol consumption can dangerously impair the motor skills of Tennessee drivers. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states that almost a third of all traffic-related deaths involved alcohol consumption. Certain health signs can manifest after consuming alcohol, all of which should alert a person not to get behind the wheel.  

According to BacTrack, alcohol consumption can interfere with certain mental functions, including the ability to learn or take in new information. Recalling new information can be more difficult after taking a few drinks. An inebriated individual may also suffer a reduced attention span for about two days after drinking. Short term drinking can also exhaust a person more quickly by interfering with vitamin and mineral absorption into the body. Drowsiness, lightheadedness and even blackouts may occur.

Another sign of alcohol consumption comes through secretions. Alcohol can leave the body through the urine or sweat. It can also depart a person through the breath. In fact, five to ten percent of alcohol that is consumed leaves the body in this fashion. This is why breathalyzers or urine tests are often employed to try to detect alcohol consumption. Alcohol can also linger in the bloodstream and may cause increased blood pressure, which can further increase the risk of a stroke.

Other physical signs can show themselves after drinking. The sclera, which are very small blood vessels on the surface of the eyes, sometimes will dilate under the influence of alcohol. This causes the widely recognized “bloodshot” look in many inebriated individuals. Additionally, a person’s eye motor control can be affected and may cause problems with vision, which can prove especially hazardous if the person attempts to drive.
