Sexual Exploitation of a Minor in Tennessee
What is Exploitation of a Child?
The sexual exploitation of a minor involves the possession, purchase/sale, distribution, or creation of child pornography. Tennessee's laws regarding the sexual exploitation of minors run parallel to federal child pornography laws. Considering the severity of these charges and the significant penalties that can be imposed upon a conviction, including sex offender registration and a lengthy term of imprisonment, it is essential to seek legal counsel as quickly as possible.
At May McKinney, we defend clients facing sexual exploitation of minor charges in state and federal court. Our Nashville child pornography defense attorneys understand the intricacies of such charges and how to create compelling, clear defense strategies that protect our clients’ interests. Our knowledge of search and seizure law and computer forensics gives us an edge in these highly technical cases.
Contact our Nashville offices at (615) 265-6383 to learn more.
Exploitation of a Minor Charges in Tennessee
There are different specific charges that may apply regarding the sexual exploitation of a minor. With our experience in sex crime defense, we at May McKinney can take on any such charge with competence. We serve Nashville and the surrounding areas, including Franklin, Brentwood, and Mount Juliet.
Our experienced team can defend clients against charges of:
- Sexual exploitation of a minor (possession): This crime is charged to those suspected of knowingly possessing material that includes a minor engaged in sexual activity or simulated sexual activity that is patently offensive. A separate count can be charged for each such image. This is a Class D felony. It becomes a Class C felony if there are more than 50 images involved and a Class B felony if the evidence includes 100 or more images.
- Aggravated exploitation of a minor (purchase, sale or distribution): To be convicted of this crime, prosecutors must prove you knowingly promoted, sold, distributed, transported, purchased, or exchanged material that includes a minor engaged in either sexual activity or simulated sexual activity that is patently offensive. It is also a crime to possess such material with the intent to promote, sell, distribute, transport, purchase, or exchange it. This is a Class C felony, but if the number of images, movies, drawings, photographs, or material is 25 or more, it becomes a Class B felony.
- Especially aggravated exploitation of a minor (performance or production): This crime is charged when a person knowingly promotes, employs, uses, assists, transports, or permits a minor to participate in the performance or production of acts or material that includes the minor engaging in sexual activity or simulated sexual activity that is patently offensive. It is a Class B felony.
Challenging Sexual Exploitation of a Minor Charges in TN
Before you are charged with the sexual exploitation of a minor, you may be contacted by a sex crimes investigator whose goal is to get you to agree to a search of your property. Do not help the police convict you. Politely refuse to allow a warrantless search and exercise your right to remain silent. Do not try to explain yourself to the police. Instead, involve a team that can actively protect your rights and interests.
Contact May McKinney today at (615) 265-6383 to discuss your case.

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Thank you so very much for all you have done and are still doing. Thank you for being such a great attorney in our time of need. You made a difficult situation endurable.
- L.M. -
The need for a criminal defense attorney typically represents a low point in one’s highlight reel. Rob’s unmatched expertise, passion and commitment to achieving the best possible outcome during troubled times makes him the best available. Grateful to him and his team.- Anonymous
I feel very blessed and appreciative for your kindness.- Audrey
In a nutshell, all of the glowing reviews that I read on this site are 100% spot-on. I had a DWI case reduced to reckless driving. Rob is a fighter and would have battled for a full dismissal if I had requested him to but after some discussion I concluded that accepting the lesser charge was the right move for me. Furthermore, Rob was able to file a motion and get the judge to dismiss my probation obligations once I finished the mandatory classes. It was the best possible result for me. I also need to mention that Karen, the front end of the firm, is spectacular and plays an important part in the firm's success and client experience. She responds to communications promptly and keeps you informed of what's happening as required while Rob and Shyanne stay busy getting the legal work done. Seriously, if you're searching for representation and nervous because you don't know who you can trust and rely on, just stop. I promise you these reviews you've been reading (just like I did before I contacted the firm) are accurate and you can quickly take some of the weight off of your shoulders by having a meeting at May & McKinney and retaining them for your case.- D.T.
We owe you so much for helping us and our son. We appreciate your legal expertise and support you gave our son this April.- Melissa & Alan
I am grateful for this level of professionalism and you would be foolish not to have her represent you.- Kyle
ou are more to us than just a lawyer.- J.B.
So I was charged with schedule 2 simple poss and paraphernalia. His excellence got it dropped to a simple paraphernalia charge with unsupervised probation! It was a mandatory 30 days in jail to basically nothing but fines. Well worth every penny. If you need a lawyer call this guy immediately. He'll do everything he can with a smile to give you the best results possible. Thank God for Rob Mckinney!!!- Daniel Himes